1Djohan Achmadi,2Suryadi,3Eliana Sari
1,2Postgraduate Education Management Study Program, Jakarta State University, Indonesia
3Education management study program, Faculty of Science Education Jakarta State University, Indonesia
DOI : https://doi.org/10.47191/ijsshr/v6-i1-25Google Scholar Download Pdf
This study examines the influence of Servant Leadership, work motivation, and work environment on the performance of elementary school teachers in North Lampung District. This research was conducted on all elementary school teachers in North Lampung District, Indonesia using a survey method with path analysis applied in hypothesis testing. One hundred one hundred and eighty five samples were randomly selected using the Slovin formula. The results show that servant leadership has a direct effect on teacher work motivation. The work environment has a direct effect on the development of teacher work motivation. Servant leadership has a direct effect on teacher performance. The work environment has a direct effect on teacher performance. Work motivation has a direct effect on teacher performance. Servant leadership has a direct effect on the work environment. Servant leadership has an indirect effect on performance through teacher work motivation. The work environment has an indirect effect on performance through the teacher's work motivation. The hypothetical model for improving the performance of public elementary school teachers is influenced by servant leadership, work motivation and work environment.
KEYWORDS:Servant Leadership, work motivation, work environment, teacher performance
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