Elementary Teacher Competency Development Management: A Multi Site Study at SDN Sungai Lulut 1 and SDN Keliling Benteng Ilir Regency
1Raihanah,2Aslamiah,3Ahmad Suriansyah
1,2,3Master in Educational Administration, Lambung Mangkurat University, Banjarmasin, Indonesia
DOI : https://doi.org/10.47191/ijsshr/v6-i1-35

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The quality of teachers is closely related to the quality of their competence. Teacher competence must always be improved along with the development of science and technology as well as the demands of society and the world of work, especially in adapting to the 4.0 and 5.0 eras. Efforts to improve teacher competence can be carried out through FGD, IHT, KKG and Training activities. Teacher competency development programs must be designed and implemented as well as possible so that the results can be achieved optimally. This study aims to describe the planning, organization, implementation and supervision of teacher competency development at SD Negeri Sungai Lulut 1 and SD Negeri Keliling Benteng Ilir, Banjar Regency. The research was a multi-site study with a qualitative approach p there is SDN Sungai Lulut 1 and SDN Keliling Benteng Ilir, Banjar Regency. The data source consisted of the principals, teachers and supervisors and researchers as key instruments. The data collection techniques were; observation, interviews and documentation studies. The data unearthed was in the form of primary data and secondary data. Data analysis using a causal network of cross-site analytics. Test the validity of the data through; credibility, transferrability, dependability, confirmability. The findings of the research of the two sites indicate the existence of planning consisting of; analysis of competency needs, designing development activities (FGD, IHT, KKG, Training), organizing in the form of; delegation of tasks/ committees, implementation of development activities, effectiveness and efficiency and supervision consists of; monitoring evaluation and follow-up.


development management, teacher competence, elementary school


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