1Micah R. Olores,2Kawther Sacor I. Abdulhalim,3Tomas Jr A. Diquito
1,2,3Department of Teacher Education - University of Mindanao - Digos
DOI : https://doi.org/10.47191/ijsshr/v6-i1-99Google Scholar Download Pdf
The Philippines is geographically located in the Pacific ring of fire, making the country one of the most vulnerable countries to natural disasters. With this, proper mitigations such as disaster preparedness and awareness among the citizens are essential to minimize the casualties whenever disaster strikes. Thus, this study aimed to assess Senior High School Students' competency level (SHS) on Disaster Risk Reduction and Management (DRRM) topics. A descriptive-comparative quantitative design was used to attain the objectives of the study. Moreover, an adopted questionnaire was used in this study. A total of twohundred twenty-two (222) Senior High School Students from the University of Mindanao - Digos participated in the survey. The study results revealed that Senior High School Students’ DRRM competency level needs improvement and showed no significant differences when analyzed according to their grade level, strand, and age, except for the topic, “Application of DRRM Concepts,” when analyzed by age. In contrast, it was found that there is a significant difference in students’ competency according to their sex. Therefore, the findings of the study implied that there is a need for curriculum enhancement and training programs for teachers to address the gaps pertaining to DRRM.
KEYWORDS:DRRM, Competency Assessment, curriculum enhancement, disaster management education.
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