Volume 06 Issue 10 October 2023
1Irra Chrisyanti Dewi, 2Isdarmanto, 3Kiky Rizki Makia
1ciputra University Surabaya – Indonesia
2,3Stipram Yogyakarta – Indonesia
DOI : https://doi.org/10.47191/ijsshr/v6-i10-38Google Scholar Download Pdf
The empirical phenomenon of the implications of the Covid-19 pandemic issue has caused disasters and calamities in all aspects of human life in the world. As a result of the spread of the virus through social life, people who lack discipline in complying with the rules have led to an increase in the number of positive cases of the Covid-19 virus which ended in many deaths. However, the implications of the covid pandemic from the psychological aspect have a positive side, namely being able to provide education to the public, changing people's attitudes to discipline in obeying the rules, managing a cleaner and healthier environment. People are aware of health, maintain their immune system by participating in vaccinations, eating nutritious and healthy foods, and doing positive sports. So that psychologically the implications of the pandemic have taught people to change by creating a new, better order of life. The community is more steadfast, patient in accepting the limited conditions of social life, coexistence, kinship, mutual tolerance, empathy and help, willing to provide assistance to others who are affected by disasters. This research uses qualitative research methods through deeper observations, so that it is more focused, focused on very varied problems in society. To get effective results, use the concept of triangulation through observation, interviews and documents as valid data sources, as well as literature and theories that are relevant and related to the research problem. The purpose of this research is that educated people can organize a more organized, good and civil future social life.
KEYWORDS:covid-19 pandemic, psychological aspects, social life.
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