October 2023

Volume 06 Issue 10 October 2023
Development of an Applicative Analysis Evaluation Model for Learning Arabic Morfologi (Tathbiq Shorfi) Google form Based
1Nurhidayati, 2Laily Maziyah, 3Nur Anisah Ridwan
1,2,3Universitas Negeri Malang
DOI : https://doi.org/10.47191/ijsshr/v6-i10-51

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The purpose of this study is to develop an Applicative Analysis Evaluation Model for Tathbiq Shorfi learning based on Google Forms, and to describe the validity of the Applicative Analysis Evaluation Model for Google Forms based Tathbiq Shorfi learning. The design of this research is a development design that is realized with procedures, (a) the planning stage which includes a preliminary study of basic competencies, SCPL, sub SCPL, descriptions of the themes and materials developed, and the evaluation tool model used by Tathbiq Shorfi course instructors, through dissemination questionnaires to teaching lecturers and students taking Tathbiq Shorfi courses, (b) the implementation stage, namely the development of an evaluation model, (c) the evaluation stage, namely the evaluation expert test and field test. The data in this study consists of preliminary study data and trial data. The results of the study are in the form of an evaluation model in the form of analytical-applicative type questions in the google form application in the form of objective and subjective test questions that have been equipped with answer keys made per topic according to the theme and learning achievement standards (SCPL) in the Semester Lecture Plan (RPS) for the Tathbiq Shorfi course. The product validity test from the Arabic language learning and evaluation expert is 92.85% or very valid, while the field test shows the validity of the product is 72.40 % or valid, and an average score of 84.56 or very decent.


Evaluation Model ; Analysis ; Applicative ; Arabic Morfologi ; Tathbiq Shorf ; Google Forms

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Volume 06 Issue 10 October 2023

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