October 2023

Volume 06 Issue 10 October 2023
The Influence of Information System Quality and Information Quality on User Satisfaction of Presence Application through Perceived Usefulness on Regional Secretariat of Malang District Government
1Dantik Ari Wahyuni, 2Syarif Hidayatullah, 3Nanik Sisharini
1Student of Postgraduate Magister Management, University of Merdeka Malang, Indonesia
2,3Faculty of Economics and Business, University of Merdeka Malang, Indonesia
DOI : https://doi.org/10.47191/ijsshr/v6-i10-66

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Taking into account the urgency regarding Civil Servant Discipline, the Government issued Government Regulation of the Republic of Indonesia Number 94 of 2021 concerning State Civil Apparatus regarding Civil Servants who must comply with the provisions of PNS discipline to ensure the maintenance of order in the smooth implementation of their duties. The Ministry of Communication and Information created an Android-based attendance application to support this regulation. This study discusses the presence of application user satisfaction which is influenced by the quality of information systems, information quality, and perceived usefulness. This study used the Slovin sampling method with 203 users as samples. Data were analyzed using SPSS 26. Data analysis techniques used were descriptive analysis, classic assumption test, t-test, and path analysis. The results of the study concluded that information system quality and information quality significantly affect perceived usefulness, information system quality and information quality affect user satisfaction, and perceived usefulness affects user satisfaction. The mediation results show that perceived usefulness can mediate the influence of information system quality and information quality on user satisfaction.


Information System Quality, Information Quality, Perceived Usefulness, User Satisfaction, Presence Application

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Volume 06 Issue 10 October 2023

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