Volume 06 Issue 10 October 2023
1Bahdar Bahdar, 2Gunawan B. Dulumina
1,2 Faculty of Teacher Training and Education, Universitas Islam Negeri Datokarama Palu, Indonesia
DOI : https://doi.org/10.47191/ijsshr/v6-i10-79Google Scholar Download Pdf
This study discusses religious moderation education in Sigi Regency, Central Sulawesi Province, Indonesia. This study used qualitative approach and data was collected through direct observation, in-depth interviews, and written document analysis. The results of this study show that religious education moderation in Sigi Regency has been implemented successfully. Department of Religious Affairs in Sigi Regency played significant roles in implementing religious moderation within schools and madrasah within the regency. The local government also provided support to succeed the religious moderation program through various local traditions and art. Within schools and madrasah context, teachers have become crucial actors in implementing the religious moderation among students. Teachers used various creative learning strategies and media while still considering the conditions of students during the Covid-19 pandemic. The values of religious moderation were not just sent to students but also integrated and immersed within the students life. Creative teaching media were used in the context of innovation in religious moderation learning in Sigi Regency included radio-based distance learning at Bolapapu Kulawi Elementary School in Christian religious subjects and Google Classroom at Islamic Senior High School Biromaru district. Moral subject teachers and other teachers who teach general subjects cooperated to teach values of religious moderation through videos on Google Classroom, which contain values of tolerance and non-violence. Meanwhile, learning media for kindness trees and board games were used to instill the values of love in Christian religious education subjects at Watubula Salvation Army Elementary School. Future studies should focus on the implementation of substantive and technical training on religious moderation by the local government Sigi Department of Religious Affairs and Department of Education and Cultural Affairs must be carried out continuously and comprehensively for Madrasah teachers and religious teachers within general schools.
KEYWORDS:Internalization, moderate Islam, local wisdom, religious conflict, local government
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