Volume 06 Issue 11 November 2023
1Dangin, 2Agustinus Hary Setyawan, 3Elysa Hartati
1,2,3English Education Department, Teachers Training and Education Faculty, Universitas Mercu Buana Yogyakarta, Yogyakarta, Indonesia
DOI : https://doi.org/10.47191/ijsshr/v6-i11-24Google Scholar Download Pdf
This study was intended to find the relationship among metacognitive awareness and self-regulated learning as independent variables and students’ achievement/GPA as dependent variable. The study took senior college students as the sample from two private Indonesian universities. Thereupon, this study also was aimed to find whether students’ metacognitive awareness and self-regulated learning could be predictors of students’ achievement/ GPA. The study used Metacognitive Awareness Inventory and questionnaire to get the data of students’ metacognitive awareness and self-regulated learning. The results showed that there were positive correlations between students’ metacognitive awareness and self-regulated learning on academic achievements. The study also revealed that both metacognitive awareness and self-regulated learning could be predictors for academic achievement as many as 24.8%.
KEYWORDS:academic achievement, metacognitive awareness, self-regulated learning
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