November 2023

Volume 06 Issue 11 November 2023
Overwhelming Legislative Intervention and its Impact on NE State of Manipur
Dr. N. Pramod Singh
Head & Associate.Professor Dhanamanjuri University,Manipur

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Law maker occupies a significant status and position in a state. The very purpose of legislation is not only to serve for the welfare and happiness of the people but also to harmonize the relation between the state and its citizens. Every legislation ought to be the expression of the will of general masses. An ideal state requires just, fair and reasonable law that essentially aims to promote and protect the rights and freedoms of citizens of this country. On the other hand, such law shall not overstep its legitimate boundary because the ultimate end of the law in a democratic country is to render justice to all the needy people without discrimination. Law is an instrument of social change and it invariably occupies a significant position in every human society. It always aims to harmonise the relation between the rulers and their subjects, as it happens to be the connecting link between the two entities. It also facilitates to construe a good governance inter alia a friendly atmosphere between the state and its citizens for which observance of due respect to the principles of rule of law and constitutionalism remains yet to be realized, especially for maintaining peace, harmony and development in the NE state of Manipur


Prerogative, Constitutionalism, Harsh laws, Loyumba Silyen, Constitutional monarchy, Legitimate government, Political executive, Proclaimed area, Repressive measures, Infamous legislation, Progressive interpretation, Black letter law tradition, Resilience, Conditional legislation, Judicial scrutiny.

1) Soli J. Sorabjee (ed.): Law & Justice, An Anthology; Universal Law Publications, New Delhi 2008

2) A. G. Noorani: Constitutional Questions in India; Oxford India’ 2002

3) Naorem Sanajaoba; Current Legal Essays; Akansha Publications, New Delhi, 2007

4) Vinder Kumar, Naresh Kumar Vats & Vijay P. Tiwari (ed.): Law,Judiciary and Governance; Universal Law Publications, New Delhi, 2017

5) Naorem Sanajaoba (ed.): Manipur Past and Present Vol.-I,II, III &IV; Mital Publications, New Delhi

6) N.Sanajaoba: International Dimensions of Human Rights and International Obligation of India, 40 JILI, pp.83-94

7) R.C.C Sarkar (ed.):Human Rights and Our Law,Horizon of Freedom, New Delhi,1969

8) T.C.Khatri: The National Security Law, Capital Law Publications, New Delhi, 1983

9) B.S. Bajswa: Human Rights in India, Implimentation and Violation, New Delhi, 1997

10) L.Babloo: Manipur Update, A Monthly Newsletter of Human Rights,HRA,Imphal,1999

11) N.Sanajaoba: Mee-Oibagi Haq Kunmathoi Shuba Chahicha, NRC, Imphal, 1999
Volume 06 Issue 11 November 2023

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