November 2023

Volume 06 Issue 11 November 2023
Some Issues of Patriotic Traditional Education through the Hung Temple Festival in Phu Tho Province
1Nguyen Thi Phuc, 2Cao Thi Huyen Nga, 3Khuc Thi Nhan
1,2,3University of Labor and Social Affairs, Vietnam

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The worship of grandparents and ancestors is a widespread religion among the wealthy Vietnamese people. Hung Kings Commemoration Day is a national holiday that is deeply ingrained in the memories of all Vietnamese people. This makes them even more lucky to have the same nest to return to, the same ancestral land to recall, and the same nest temple to be grateful for. The confluence center of the Vietnamese nation's spiritual culture is the place of origin, where people commemorate the anniversary of their ancestors' deaths, regardless of the sky. This is also where our Vietnamese people's patriotic heritage originated.


Patriotic traditional education, Hung temple festival, Phu Tho province

1) Communist Party of Vietnam (1998), Resolution of the Fifth Conference of the Eighth Party Central Committee "on building and developing an advanced Vietnamese culture imbued with national identity" National Political Publishing House, Hanoi.

2) Tran Van Giau (1980), Traditional spiritual values of the Vietnamese nation, Social Science Publishing House, Hanoi.

3) Ngo Duc Thinh (2007), On traditional beliefs and festivals, Information Culture Publishing House, Hanoi.

4) Le Tuong - Pham Hoang Oanh (2010), Hung Temple, National Special Historical and Cultural Relic, Culture - Information Publishing House.

5) Phu Tho People's Committee, Hung Kings Commemoration Commemoration Organizing Committee - Hung Temple Festival 2022, Report summarizing the organization of Hung Kings Commemoration - Hung Temple Festival in 2022.

6) Phu Tho People's Committee, Hung Kings Commemoration Commemoration Organizing Committee - Hung Temple Festival in 2023, Report summarizing the work of organizing Hung Kings Commemoration - Hung Temple Festival in 2023.
Volume 06 Issue 11 November 2023

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