November 2023

Volume 06 Issue 11 November 2023
Optimal Strategy to Improve the Quality of Vocational Teacher Services through Knowledge Management, Interpersonal Communication, Organizational Support and Job Satisfaction
1Sains Rusnadi, 2Sumiati, 3Andi Hermawan
1,2,3Institut Agama Islam Depok Al – Karimiyah, Indonesia

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Customer perceptions regarding the comparison between fulfilling needs and desires and the accuracy of delivery to balance customer expectations which are closely related to the quality of products, services, and human resources are called Service Quality. Teachers are the main aspect and key determinant of successful learning, policy implementation, and creative, innovative efforts, as well as the democratization of education. Teachers are the main players and spearheads in the world of education. Therefore, the existence of programs that concretely always support, accompany, and help to continue to develop the personal and professional qualities of teachers is a guarantee for brilliant education. Based on preliminary research, it is known that the permanent foundation teachers (GTY) of PGRI Vocational High Schools (SMK) in Bogor Regency have relatively suboptimal service quality. Therefore, research is needed to obtain information on variables related to improving service quality. This research aims to make efforts to improve the quality of service for vocational school teachers by researching the influence of the variables knowledge management, interpersonal communication, organizational support, and job satisfaction. This research uses the path analysis method to determine the influence between the variables studied and the SITOREM method for indicator analysis to obtain optimal solutions to improve the quality of vocational school teacher services.


Service Quality, Knowledge Management, Interpersonal Communication, Organizational Support, Job Satisfaction, SITOREM Analysis

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Volume 06 Issue 11 November 2023

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