Volume 06 Issue 11 November 2023
1Ferdinan, 2Nurhidaya M., 3Ardi Rumallang, 4Lukman Abd Samad
1,2,3,4Muhammadiyah University of Makassar;
DOI : https://doi.org/10.47191/ijsshr/v6-i11-56Google Scholar Download Pdf
This community service activity aims to: 1) empower the community in the Muallaf village through mentoring the basics of Islam and Organic Horticulture Cultivation, 2) Developing the potential of students by involving them in community service activities, 3) Adding International Cooperation which will have an impact on the development of study programs, and 4) Adding lecturer recognition in the Tri Darma of Higher Education, namely in community service. Community Service activities are focused on two fields of activity, namely: 1. assistance in the basics of Islam in the form of reading and writing the Qur'an, prayer procedures, and other mass worship intended for all people who live in the mu'allaf village. 2. Assistance on how to grow horticultural crops organically which will be given to farmers who live in the Mu'allaf village. The solutions offered in community service are 1) Assisting the community by becoming a religious companion by assigning 2 students who are tasked with becoming preachers and staying for 2 months in the mu'allaf village. 2) Conducting training in making organic fertilizer by utilizing household waste, manure and other materials that are easily obtained from the surrounding environment, 3) Conducting training on horticultural plant cultivation procedures to farmers who live in mu'allaf villages and 4) Provide assistance to farmers to conduct trials of horticultural crop cultivation. This community service is planned to be carried out in 2 stages of activity, namely the first is fostering the basics of Islam in the form of mubaligh assistance by students who join the Community Service Team and the second is training and assistance in cultivating horticultural crops using organic fertilizers.
KEYWORDS:Islamic Basics Mentoring and Organic Horticulture Cultivation
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