November 2023

Volume 06 Issue 11 November 2023
Colonial Economic Policies in East Africa. A Case Study in Uganda During Colonial Period
1Ssendagire Sinani, 2Leo Agung, 3Purwanta H.
1,2,3History Education Post graduate Program, Sebelas Maret University,Jl.Ir.Sutami No 36, Surakarta, 5712

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This research investigates East African colonial economic policy, using Uganda as a case study. Following the introduction of Europeans in East Africa, policies aimed at assisting their administration in the region were developed. The colonial economy in Uganda was largely centered on cash crop cultivation and other extractive sectors, while local economies and peoples were neglected. Local communities were displaced from their land, which was subsequently exploited for cash crop cultivation as a result of the policies. In this study, documentary analysis was utilized as a research approach, which entailed evaluating written or recorded records to analyze social phenomena in East Africa's colonial economy .This resulted in the extinction of traditional livelihoods and the devastation of local economies.The colonial rulers also instituted a forced labor system, which was employed to construct infrastructure like as roads and railways.Uganda is still affected by colonialism, and correcting the inequalities and injustices brought about by these economic practices would need a concerted effort.The article finds that colonial economic policies in East Africa had a considerable influence on the region's economy and society, and that colonialism's legacy may still be felt today.


Colonialism, Economic policies, Cashcrops, Exploitaion, Uganda.

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Volume 06 Issue 11 November 2023

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