Volume 06 Issue 12 December 2023
1Soto-Molina, 2Jairo Eduardo
1,2Studied philology and languages at the Universidad Del Atlántico. Postgraduate
DOI : https://doi.org/10.47191/ijsshr/v6-i12-32Google Scholar Download Pdf
The structure of the research processes is represented according to the paradigmatic nature of the researcher's knowledge and two major differentiation criteria: the DIACHRONIC Structure and the SYNCHRONOUS Structure. Every investigative process varies according to its evolution over time for the first structure and how it is considered an independent process over time, according to the second structure (Padrón, 1992). Researchers throughout the history of science have developed, shared, and worked under a worldview of reality that has led them to a system of beliefs around knowledge as ways of accessing and producing the knowledge that they come to be the different paradigms. This belief system has been very divergent from each other in different eras of science. Whether or not it coincides is determined by that paradigmatic vision, which in turn explains the techniques, procedures, types of samples, methods, and language used, among other things.
KEYWORDS:structure of research processes, epistemological paradigms, nature of knowledge, types of research, research traditions
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