1,2,3Department of Public Administration, Faculty of Social and Political Sciences, University August 17 1945.
DOI : https://doi.org/10.47191/ijsshr/v6-i2-12Google Scholar Download Pdf
The tourism potential of the Old Semarang City Area, a historic area, has a diversity of cultural heritage from the Dutch colonial community and buildings that are still standing firmly today, including the GPIB Immanuel Church ( Blenduk Church), Tawang Station, Berok Bridge, Marabunta Building, factory building. This area used to be the place where the Dutch, Chinese and other Europeans lived, whose main activities were traders. The tourism sector is one of the strategic and mainstay sectors of the City of Semarang as a driving force for the improvement of the people's economy which contributes to regional original income. The purpose of this research is to describe and analyze the development policy of tourism objects in the Old Semarang City? (2) Factors that support and inhibit the policy of developing tourism objects in the Old Semarang City area? This study uses a qualitative method. The data analysis technique used is data reduction, data presentation and conclusion. The results of this study are: (1) The implementation of developing tourism in the city of Semarang has been going well but not optimal, this is manifested in increasing the appreciation of traditional arts and culture to improve people's welfare. (2) Supporting factors in the development of the Semarang Old Town area are the existence of a clear legal umbrella, namely Regional Regulation No. 8 of 2003 concerning RTBL of the Old City of Semarang, relationships between organizations that work well with each other and budgetary sources that support implementing the Semarang Old Town revitalization policy. Factors that become obstacles include social problems from the community around the Old Town of Semarang who refuse the revitalization process, as well as private building ownership, where the owner is still reluctant to cooperate with BPK2L to maintain the building. And the Inhibiting Factors in the management of the old City Area, the participation of the community accommodated in the BPK2L (Old City Area Management Agency) cannot be carried out properly because they do not receive government support in carrying out their duties.
KEYWORDS:Policy Strategy; Development; Tours
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