1Dr Baiju R M,2Dr Elbe Peter,3Dr Vivek Narayan,4Dr Roshna E K,5Dr Abhilash Babu,
6Dr Nandimath Omprakash V
1Professor, Department of Periodontics, Government Dental College, Kottayam
2Professor and Head,Department of Orthodontics, Government Dental College, Thrissur
3Assistant Professor, Department of Public Health Dentistry, Government Dental College, Kottayam
4Senior Resident, Department of Periodontics, Government Dental College, Kottayam.
5Director, School of Social Sciences, Mahatma Gandhi University, Kottayam
6Professor of Law, National Law School of India University, Bangalore
DOI : https://doi.org/10.47191/ijsshr/v6-i2-32Google Scholar Download Pdf
Context: The push for autonomy and liberalization has transformed the practice of medicine and dentistry from paternalism to a patient cantered model. Patient’s choice to accept or reject the proposed treatment is central to this new paradigm of health care. Informed consent is an essential tool for an ethical dental practice. Aim: The objective of the present study was to explore the knowledge, attitudes, perceptions and prevailing practices among dentists regarding the informed consent process. Materials and methods: A phenomenological approach was undertaken. A semi structured telephonic interview was conducted based on a flexible topic guide and continued until data saturation. Statistical analysis: The data was transcribed verbatim. Coding and categorisation done. Anonymity was ensured in all steps. The data was subjected to a thematic analysis. Results: Participants were apprehensive about the influence of social media on the new paradigm of doctor patient relationship and the increasing utility of specialists as a protection from litigation. Lack of clarity regarding the consent method has prevented its routine application. Conclusions: It can be concluded that a comprehensive understanding regarding informed consent process was lacking among the participants
KEYWORDS:consent, informed consent, autonomy, dental litigation
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