1Yeti Kuswati,2Dody Kusmayadi,3Tati Hartati
1,2,3Lecturer, Public Administration Study Program, Faculty of Social and Political Science, Majalengka University, West Java, Indonesia
DOI : https://doi.org/10.47191/ijsshr/v6-i2-37Google Scholar Download Pdf
Poor public services in Indonesia are not new. Many facts on the ground show the low level of public service delivery, such as the number of discrimination services, the absence of certainty of the cost and time of service, and the low level of public satisfaction with public services. Optimizing public services carried out by the government bureaucracy is not easy, and considering the renewal of various aspects entrenched in the circle of government bureaucracy in Indonesia. Among some of these aspects is the culture of bureaucracy that is not conducive that has long colored the mindset of bureaucrats since the colonial era. The procedures and ethics of service developed in the bureaucracy in Indonesia are very far from the values and practices that value the nation's citizens as sovereign citizens.
KEYWORDS:Bureaucracy, Public Service
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