The Effect of Career Development, Job Demands and Job Resources on Employee Performance with Job Satisfaction as Intervening Variables and Knowledge Sharing as Moderating Variables at Pt Pramana Artha Raharja
1Made Rekma Adi Maheswari,2Siti Mujanah,3Sumiati
1,2,3Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas 17 Agustus 1945 Surabaya
DOI : https://doi.org/10.47191/ijsshr/v6-i2-50

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The aim of this research is to analyze and interpret the effect of career development, job demands and job resources on employee performance with job satisfaction as an intervening variable and knowledge sharing as a moderating variable at PT Pramana Artha Raharja. This study used a population of 100 employees who had worked at PT Pramana Artha Raharja. The saturated sample technique was used in the research so that the final sample size was 100 respondents. Data analysis in this study used SmartPLS version 3.0. The results in this study of the variables career development, job demands and job resources have no significant effect on job satisfaction, then the variables career development, job demands and job resources have no significant effect on employee performance while the variable job satisfaction has no significant effect on employee performance. Then the knowledge sharing variable has no effect on moderating the relationship between career development, job demands and job resources on employee performance


work life balance, subjective well-being, distributive justice, self-efficacy, organizational citizenship behavior, employee performance


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