The Religion of Love Ibn 'Arabi in the Perspective of PsychoHistorical Hermeneutics
1Afifuddin Idrus,2Muhammad Zainur Rakhman
1Doctoral Program UIN Prof. KH. Saifuddin Zuhri Purwokerto, Indonesia
2Magister Pascasarjana UIN Walisongo Semarang, Indonesia
DOI : https://doi.org/10.47191/ijsshr/v6-i2-56

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The religion of love is a term expressed by Ibn ‘Arabi in a unity of ideas about the concept of Wahdatul Wujud. As a node that summarizes the overall ideas of Ibn ‘Arabi about love and religion, it certainly does not just arise from empty space. There is the influence of the spirit of the era that lies behind the presence of the idea. The presence of the term 'religion of love', expressed by Ibn ‘Arabi, will not be separated from the influence of social and cultural backgrounds, the locus of the times in which Ibn‘ Arabi lived and gave birth to his thoughts. This becomes an interesting problem to study, about how the concept of the religion of love arises, and how it influences the spirit of the times that surround it. Using the psycho-historical hermeneutics approach, this paper aims to examine the concept of the religion of love, and the influence of the spirit of the times that surround it. The results of the discussion show that the context of the age of Ibn 'Arabi gave a major influence on the birth of Ibn' Arabi's view of the religion of love, namely in the aspect: the city where Ibn 'Arabi was educated, and the teachers and people whom Ibn' Arabi met along his intellectual and spiritual odyssey.


The religion of love, Ibnu ‘Arabi, the locus of the times, psycho-historical hermeneutics.


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