The Effect of Social Media Marketing on Consumer Engagement and Electronic Word-Of-Mouth
1Ina Oktaviana Matusin,2Anita Roosmalina Matusin,3Chyntia Fadillah Nasution,4De Irma
1,2Lecturers University of Trisakti, Jakarta, Indonesia
3,4Student University of Trisakti, Jakarta, Indonesia
DOI : https://doi.org/10.47191/ijsshr/v6-i2-06

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This study aims to analyze the role of consumer engagement in mediating the influence of social media marketing on electronic word of mouth. Data was collected by distributing questionnaires with a total of 14 statement items. The number of samples studied was 230 respondents, the sample was taken using a purposive sampling technique, namely determining the sample selected based on predetermined criteria. Respondent criteria in this study were individuals who actively use social media and follow a brand on social media. The data analysis tool used is the Structural Equation Model (SEM). The results of the study found that social media marketing had a positive effect on consumer engagement and electronic word of mouth, consumer engagement had a positive effect on electronic word of mouth and consumer engagement played a role in mediating the influence of social media marketing on electronic word of mouth.


Social media, Social media marketing, Consumer engagement and Electronic word of mouth.


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