The Implementation of Video Dubbing in Enhancing Students’ Pronunciation at a High School in Vietnam
Nguyen Thi Yen Anh
Luu Nhan Chu Highschool, Dai tu district, Thai Nguyen, Vietnam
DOI : https://doi.org/10.47191/ijsshr/v6-i2-61

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Pronunciation lessons have frequently been overlooked in English as a Foreign Language (EFL) classes for a variety of reasons. As a result, many EFL students always struggle to communicate with confidence due to their bad pronunciation. The researcher carried out this study with a view to examining the impacts of using video dubbing in improving students’ pronunciation in EFL classrooms. This study was a classroom action research and employed 40 students (15 females and 25 males) at Luu Nhan Chu High School in Dai Tu district, Thai Nguyen Province. After 4 sections in which students were required to dub 4 videos, the data were collected through pretest, posttest, and teacher’s observation. The research utilized both quantitative and qualititive approach to analyze the data. The results revealed that video dubbing really brought about the improvement in Luu Nhan Chu students’ pronunciation skill and they had positive attitude toward the implementation of video dubbing in teaching pronunciaton. This research gave awareness about the importance of English learning and facilitate students to improve their speaking, especially in pronunciation. It is hoped that other researchers can use this research as an additional reference to conduct further research in the same field, certainly with different materials and samples.


teaching speaking, pronunciation, video dubbing, speaking skill


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