1Joey Yap Sook Mun ,2Noraini Abdullah
1,2Faculty of Human Development, Sultan Idris Education University, Malaysia
DOI : https://doi.org/10.47191/ijsshr/v6-i2-09Google Scholar Download Pdf
Mathematics is an essential subject for students with learning disabilities in order to meet their special educational needs. This subject emphasizes numerical skills and skills in operations such as addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division. This allows them to manage their money and time and know how to do the measurement so that they can apply their mathematical skills in various contexts. However, many students with learning disabilities face a variety of difficulties when learning mathematics, particularly when it comes to multiplication operations. Hence, this study aims to investigate the use of the cross-line method in helping pupils with learning disabilities improve their ability to solve multiplication operation questions. This is a qualitative case study designed for five pupils with learning disabilities, aided by a special education teacher. The study was conducted in Chinese vernacular schools located in Kinta Utara, Perak. The study used document analysis and interviews for data collection. Overall, the findings of the study showed that the pupils with learning disabilities faced three basic problems in multiplication. The problems consist of their understanding of the concept of multiplication, memorizing multiplication facts, and using ineffective techniques in solving multiplication operation questions. The Cross-Line method was used to assist students with learning disabilities in improving their basic multiplication skills. In addition, the findings of the study also showed that the use of the Cross-Line method was able to improve the positive behaviors among the pupils while studying multiplication topics in the classroom. The Cross-Line Method was also able to help the pupils with learning disabilities master multiplication skills with ease. In conclusion, the study shows that the use of the Cross-Line method will be able to help pupils with learning disabilities master basic multiplication, and it can be used as an alternative method for mathematics teachers to teach the topic of multiplication operations more effectively to the pupils with learning disabilities.
KEYWORDS:Cross-Line method, basic multiplication skills, students with learning disabilities
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