1Albi Irwanto,2Akhmad Novie Prihartanto,3 Thalia Hafitsa Mulya
1,2,3Master of Law, Wijaya Kusuma Surabaya University
DOI : https://doi.org/10.47191/ijsshr/v6-i3-15Google Scholar Download Pdf
This scientific work will discuss the enforcement of restorative justice in cases of traffic crimes that result in death. The formulation of the problem of law enforcement principles based on restorative justice for traffic accidents that result in human casualties and the principle of justice is in accordance with the principles of restorative justice for traffic accidents that result in human casualties. The research method used is normative research method with a statutory approach, conceptual and case. The results of the study show the application of the concept of restorative justice in the practice of crime prevention in Indonesia, especially when changes to criminal procedural law or criminal law in general are not a priority for legislation, but the concept of restorative justice in Indonesia in the context of criminal law does not yet have a specific forum, and in applying in the process of investigation, prosecution and examination in court as well as restorative justice returns the conflict to the parties who are most known for their influence-victims, perpetrators and the interests of their communities and give priority to their interests. Then attempt a restorative justice approach. but on purpose, namely creating harmony or restoring balance in social relations. thus, the acceptance and functionalization of restorative justice is more on the function of law in solving social problems better.
KEYWORDS:Traffic Crime; Restorative Justice; Legal Protection
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