Amelia A. Calfoforo
2 Carlos Hilado Memorial State University, Mabini Street, Talisay City, Negros Occidental, Philippines
DOI : https://doi.org/10.47191/ijsshr/v6-i3-22Google Scholar Download Pdf
This paper aimed to determine the extent of practice of the soft skills of student interns along the dimensions, namely: collaboration, communication, creativity, critical thinking, leadership, and selfregulation. Specifically, this paper purposed to ascertain significant differences in the extent of practice of the soft skills of student interns along the aforementioned dimensions and when they were grouped according to sex, program, and campus. Furthermore, the challenges that the student interns encountered in the acquisition of soft skills were also identified. The respondents were the 345 student interns of Carlos Hilado Memorial State College enrolled during the School Year 2018-2019. Employing the descriptivecomparative research design, a researcher-made questionnaire was used to gather data about the soft skills of the respondents. Mean, Independent Samples t-test, One-Way ANOVA, and frequency were used to gather data. The findings reveal that the extent of practice of the six soft skills among student interns when they were taken as a whole was high. There was no significant difference in the extent of practice of the six soft skills when they were classified according to sex. However, there was a significant difference in the extent of practice of the six soft skills when they were classified according to campus and college. The top five challenges that the student interns encountered in the acquisition of soft skills were lack of selfconfidence, fear of committing mistakes, fear of being laughed at, being anxious about others’ impressions or reactions, and lack of confidence in their knowledge or abilities.
KEYWORDS:Soft Skills, Employable Skills, Student Interns
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