1Agus Suprapto,2Mustaji,3Fajar Arianto
1,2,3Teknologi Pendidikan, Universitas Negeri Surabaya & Surabaya, Indonesia
DOI : https://doi.org/10.47191/ijsshr/v6-i3-27Google Scholar Download Pdf
This study aims to determine the effect of using the flipped classroom learning model assisted by mobile technology on the learning outcomes of Infantry Officer School of Indonesia Marine Corps students about reading maps. Officer graduates are required to have a good understanding of the concepts in each topic related to assignments. The ability to read maps is a top priority that must be mastered by the marine corps in war military operations. Time allocation in class is not enough for mastering the concept of map reading. It takes more time to master the material for the soldiers. The use of mobile technology provides access for Marine Corps students to additional study time online. The research method used is quasi-experimental or quasi-experimental using t-test data analysis techniques. The research design used a static group comparison design. Comparing the two groups that were taught using the flipped classroom model assisted by mobile technology and the conventional model. The subjects of this research were 133 students of Marine Corps Officer Formation Education at the Advanced Stage (Sargolan) who were divided into two groups, namely the experimental group of 67 students and the control group of 66 students. The findings in this study indicate that students who are taught with the flipped classroom model assisted by mobile technology obtain a better average learning outcome score. The flipped classroom model with the help of mobile technology is very suitable for Marine Corps Officer Formation Education students at the Advanced Class Basic Stage (Sargolan).
KEYWORDS:Flipped classroom, mobile technology, marine, learning outcomes
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