Jocelyn L. Absolor
Ilocos Sur Polytechnic State College, Philippines, Graduate School
DOI : https://doi.org/10.47191/ijsshr/v6-i3-31Google Scholar Download Pdf
This study explored the lived experiences of the PWDs in the workplace.This research employed the phenomenological approach. Necessary data were obtained through semi-structured interview and observations. Two participants who are persons with disabilities (PWDs) and work in a public and a private sector were selected based on the criteria set in identifying participants. Through Colazzi’s method,participants’ responses were transcribed and coded for deeper analysis. Three emerging themes reflect the lived experiences of the participants:work gives them a feeling of fulfillment; inclusion in the workplace and freedom to enjoy all the rights and benefits of a regular employee significantly boost their morale and independence in the performance of assignments.Generally,their acceptance in the workplace keeps them going and inspires them to keep thinking on how to better their job performance under an environment where people do not see them as different individuals. They allow themselves to be productive just as anyone else in the workplace. They perform their work independently and they don’t see any reason to rely on others. They claim that the quality of work they render reflect their true capabilities.
KEYWORDS:Inclusion, PWDs, workplace, employee, fulfillment
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