MARCH 2023

Ideology on Educational Approach Under Ly – Tran Period
Nguyen Phan Thi Thuy Dung
University of Social Sciences and Humanities, Vietnam National University, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam

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The content of viewpoints on education in the Ly - Tran period is not a random phenomenon; it is derived from the goals and requirements of the reality of Dai Viet society during that period. Educational thoughts in the Ly - Tran period was absorbed from Chinese Confucianism; Besides, based on the nation's traditional cultural thought, the educational thought of the Ly - Tran dynasties had inherited, developed, and integrated with the educational ideology in Confucianism, Buddha, and Taoism, flexibly and appropriately consistent with the situation of Dai Viet in the XI-XIV centuries. Along with the views on educational content, educational thought of the Ly - Tran period is also expressed through the perception of the organization and methods in education. The article focuses on presenting the viewpoints on educational methods of the Ly - Tran period through the main themes such as language, writing, and learning materials; teaching and learning methods; testing system.


Educational ideology, educational approach, Ly - Tran period.


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