1Muteerah Alshammari,2Ghadeer Sufta
DOI : https://doi.org/10.47191/ijsshr/v6-i3-05Google Scholar Download Pdf
The purpose of this qualitative research is to define leadership and describe how to develop more effective leaders in schools by explaining the most important characteristics of a leader. In general, students need to learn leadership skills at the high school level in preparation for their future. Specifically, educators must understand the importance of education, understand the need for leadership, the importance of developing leadership skills, and the importance of preparing the student to fulfill goals. They must overcome any challenges students may face to reach their goals. Therefore, this article is aimed to highlight the most important skills that high school female students need to prepare them for the future such as “Planning and setting goals, Communication, Time management, Problem-solving, Decision-making, and Teamwork”. Also, it provides some suggestions to help educators build suitable curricula to meet their needs.
KEYWORDS:Leadership. High school. Planning and setting goals. Communication. Time management. Problem-solving. Decision-making. Teamwork.
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