1Carmela m. Dela cruz,2 allen edward e. Gomed,3uldmec p. Jimenez,4jan daven juaniza,
5bea m. Lamberto,6princess ann s. Sapio,7maria victoria g. Violanda
1,2,3,4,5,6,7Carlos Hilado Memorial State University
DOI : https://doi.org/10.47191/ijsshr/v6-i3-54Google Scholar Download Pdf
"Ink into the skin: The lived experiences of Female students in a Catholic School" was a qualitative research study that explored the experiences of female students in a Catholic school who have tattoos. The study aimed to understand the experiences of these female students and how they were perceived and accepted within their school and respective communities. The study used semi-structured, in-depth interviews to gather data from the participants and gain a deeper understanding of their experiences. It examined how these students handled the expectations of their school, community, and the societal pressures to conform to the norm. The findings of this study revealed tattoo as an emblem of the owners’ self-identity, adoption of tattoo culture, society's attitudes towards female students with tattoos, and the resiliency of the inner self. Still, ultimately the personal significance of the tattoos outweighed any societal stigma. The above findings can contribute to a greater understanding of the experiences of female students with tattoos in a Catholic School setting. Lastly, it can add to the broader conversation around tattoos, selfexpression, and the body.
KEYWORDS:Lived Experiences, Qualitative Research, Tattoo, Female Students, Catholic School.
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