MARCH 2023

Filipinos’ Preferred Views of Presidential Candidates in the 2022 Election
Dr. Venus A. Vitales
Nueva Ecija University of Science and Technology, Cabanatuan City

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The right to vote and to stand for the welfare of one’s country, especially in selecting the next leaders is at the core of every democratic government. In the Philippines, a national and local election was held in 2022. A few months before the May 2022 election, this study was conducted to determine the preferred stands of the voters’ presidential candidates in terms of issues in politics, economics, social, environmental, education and health. A total of 1,065 Filipino registered voters all over the country participated in an online survey that was conducted from January 1 to April 30, 2022. The results of the study revealed that the respondents preferred a president and vice president who will push for the automatic removal from office of any appointed official with involvement in corruption issues; while they oppose for a leader who proposed to go on war with China for territorial disputes. They preferred a leader who will continue the 4Ps as social program; while they least preferred a president who will agree in the legalization of abortion in the Philippines. As economic priority programs, they preferred a leader who will improve the condition of the agricultural sectors. As environmental priority program, they prefer a president who will push for: exploration of renewable energy sources; policies on climate change; decongestion of Manila; and mandate the restrictions of mining industries re: land owned by the IPs. In terms of educational programs, leaders must prioritize support for Filipino inventors and scientists; as well improve teachers’ qualifications; uplift the quality of textbooks; amend the K to 12 Law; and re-impose the mandatory ROTC for Senior High School and College students. In general, the respondents voted for Ferdinand R. Marcos Jr., and Sara Duterte-Carpio as president and vice president respectively, which accord to the result of the actual election in May 2022.


Democracy, Election, Filipinos, Political, Preferred Leaders, Social


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