1Eva Marlina,2Aslamiah,3Ngadimun
1,2,3Master of Education Administration, Lambung Mangkurat University Banjarmasin, Indonesia
DOI : https://doi.org/10.47191/ijsshr/v6-i3-76Google Scholar Download Pdf
This study aims to analyze the influence of transformational leadership, motivation and work ethic on the performance of public elementary school teachers in Kertak Hanyar District, Banjar Regency. This research uses a quantitative approach with a path analysis model. The population of this study was 150 teachers from 17 public elementary schools with a sample of 110 people taken using proportional random sampling techniques. Each questionnaire of each variable is tested for validity using Correlation Product Moment, as well as reliability using the Cronbach Alpha formula. Data collection using questionnaire instruments consisting of transformational leadership variables of principals (41 items), work motivation (32 items), work ethic instruments (34 items) and teacher performance instruments (24 items). Before the hypothesis test is carried out, the data is tested with prerequisite tests in the form of normality tests, linearity tests, then analyzed by path analysis or Path Analysis. The results showed that there is a direct influence of transformational leadership, motivation and work ethic on teacher performance, there is an indirect influence of transformational leadership, work ethic on teacher performance through motivation.
KEYWORDS:Transformational Leadership, Motivation, Work Ethic, Teacher Performance
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