Jose Lizael B. Lampinez
CHMSU - Talisay
DOI : https://doi.org/10.47191/ijsshr/v6-i3-08Google Scholar Download Pdf
This study aimed to evaluate one private higher educational institution marketing initiatives as baseline data for a sustainable marketing plan during the School Year 2018-2019. Since it was founded, this private higher educational institution has not conceptualized creating a marketing office that has focus its programs and activities solely for marketing. What they had before in marketing was a part-time employee who did the marketing activities for the school in concurrent functions. Recently, a marketing office was created and a marketing officer was appointed, and a marketing program was designed, putting emphasis on five (5) aspects of intensive marketing program. In a highly competitive world of private education where everyone aims to be on top, every higher educational institution enunciated programs in marketing that would leave traces in the hearts and minds of the populace. This study describes the five strategies and plans employed by one private higher educational institution, the purpose of which is for the betterment of the school in general. The five (5) marketing plans and strategies are as follows: 1.) Do It Yourself Internal Marketing 2.) School Campus to Campus Marketing 3.) Parents, Alumni, Community Involvement Marketing 4) Multi Media/ Social Media Marketing and 5.) Extensive International and Local Linkages on Shipping and Hotel Marketing. A systematic marketing program deemed to be of great help to the school in general.
KEYWORDS:Higher Educational Institution, Evaluation of Marketing Initiatives, Baseline Data, Sustainable Marketing Plan,
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