1Mohammad Azwan Ja’afar,2Reezlin Abd Rahman,3Ahmad Arman Nor Anuar
1Pekan Community College
2Baling Community College
3Hulu Selangor Community College
DOI : https://doi.org/10.47191/ijsshr/v6-i4-54Google Scholar Download Pdf
A country's economic development is driven by the management of its human resources. And the continuity of human resources is backed by the choices of careers available in local industries. This study focuses on examining the career choice in the tourism industry among Pekan Community College students. The aim is to identify the factor influencing students’ career choices in the tourism industry by measuring the intention to work in the tourism industry. The research method used in this study is quantitative with simple random sampling for 200 targeted respondents from Pekan Community College students. The data obtained from the survey were analysed using Statistical Package for the Social Sciences (SPSS) version 23. The result obtained showed that the study is expected to provide a clear explanation of the factors that cause the occurrence of manpower shortage in the tourism industry. Career knowledge and adaptability has influenced the students’ career choice. These two factors need to be provided to students to further strengthen their confidence in making career choices later.
KEYWORDS:Career choice, Job Decision, Tourism Sector, Graduates
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