VOlUME 06 ISSUE 05 MAY 2023
1Nuruddin Araniri,2Eti Nurhayati,3Ahmad Asmuni,4Dedi Djubaedi
1Doctoral Student, Institut Agama Islam Negeri Syekh Nurjati Cirebon, Indonesia
2,3,4Professor, Institut Agama Islam Negeri Syekh Nurjati Cirebon, Indonesia
DOI : https://doi.org/10.47191/ijsshr/v6-i5-19Google Scholar Download Pdf
The reality of the diversity of religious, ethnic, and cultural understandings can cause conflicts that are feared to result in divisions between ethnicities, tribes, and religious communities. Radical understanding, especially in Majalengka, cannot be taken for granted. This has been proven by the existence of Majalengka residents exposed to and participating in terrorist network movements. The role of Ulama in maintaining religious harmony in the Republic of Indonesia, which is plural and multicultural, is vital to socialize Islamic religious values that are tolerant and accommodative between religions and the state through the development of tolerant Islamic Education. This study aims to determine: 1) tolerant Islamic education developed in Majalengka; 2) The social setting of the people in Majalengka; 3) The role of the Ulama in developing tolerant Islamic education in Majalengka. This study uses a qualitative approach. It uses the phenomenological method that describes phenomena. The result shows that tolerant Islamic education developed by moderating implicit and explicit religious material in the Islamic education curriculum. The roles of Ulama in the development of tolerant Islamic Education in the multicultural society of Majalengka are: 1) improvement by strengthening creed; Improvement in the form of worship; education continuously improved; improvement in the family; improvement of customs; social improvement; economic improvement for people's welfare; improvement of the ummah with ukhuwah Islamiyah by not clashing creed. 2) In forming tolerant students, it is by not providing teaching materials to an intolerant attitude that leads to violence; select and sort books and selectively; students are taught to blend in with their surroundings to avoid exclusivism involving the activities of students in their surroundings. 3) In the development of tolerant Islamic education, it is always guided by the Ahlussunah Waljama'ah thinking, namely: tawassuth (moderate), and tasyawur (deliberation). 4) By explaining and implementing Islam that is rahmatan lil'alamin, and maintaining ukhuwah Islamiyah, ukhuwah wathoniyah and ukhuwah insaniyah.
KEYWORDS:Ulama; Islamic Education; Tolerant Islamic Education; Multicultural Society
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