MAY 2023

VOlUME 06 ISSUE 05 MAY 2023
Present-Day Patriotic Education Via The Hung Kings’ Temple Festival
1Nguyen Thi Phuc,2Do Thi Yen,3Pham Thi Thuy
1,2,3University of Labour & Social Affairs, Vietnam

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The Hung Kings’ Temple and Hung Kings’ Temple Festival represent the national character of Vietnamese via its cultural significance. Hung Kings’ Temple has been a site to recall and respect the achievements of the Hung Kings and a symbol of the Vietnamese people's remarkable unity for thousands of years. Belief in worshiping Hung Vuong has a very significant place in the spiritual life of the Vietnamese people, is a symbol of communal cohesiveness, and is the source of Vietnam's love, care, and strength; the Vietnamese people's patriotic heritage was also founded here.


Education, patriotic tradition, Hung King’s Temple celebration.


1) Communist Party of Vietnam (1998), Resolution of the Fifth Conference of the Central Committee of the Party, term VIII "on building and developing an advanced Vietnamese culture imbued with national identity". National Political Publishing House, Hanoi.

2) Tran Van Giau (1980), Traditional spiritual values of the Vietnamese nation. Social Science Publishing House, Hanoi.

3) Le Van Hao (1982), Journey to the Hung Vuong era. Thanh Nien Publishing House, Hanoi.

4) Nguyen Hung Hau (2008), From traditional patriotism to Ho Chi Minh patriotism. National Political Publishing House, Hanoi.

5) Le Huu (2005), Hung Temple where cultural and spiritual convergence, Culture and Information Publishing House, Hanoi.

6) Vu Nhu Khoi (2011), Vietnam National Defense Culture - Unique Values. National Political Publishing House, Hanoi.

7) Ho Chi Minh (1973), Political Report of the Second National Congress of the Vietnam Workers' Party - February 1951, Liberation Education Publishing House.

8) Phu Tho Provincial People's Committee, Organizing Committee for the death anniversary of Hung Kings - Hung Temple Festival in 2022, Summary report on organization of Hung King's death anniversary - Hung Temple Festival in 2022.

VOlUME 06 ISSUE 05 MAY 2023

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