VOlUME 06 ISSUE 05 MAY 2023
1Viraj Fulena,2D. Gaël Henriette-Bolli,3Hemant B. Chittoo
1Lecturer in Law at the University of Technology Mauritius
2Lecturer in Law at the Open University of Mauritius
3Professor in Public Policy and Management at the University of Technology Mauritius
DOI : https://doi.org/10.47191/ijsshr/v6-i5-30Google Scholar Download Pdf
This paper investigates the evolution of the financial services sector in Mauritius and its impact on economic finance. The study provides a detailed analysis of the development of the financial services sector in Mauritius, which has emerged as a key player in the African region. The paper examines the key factors that have contributed to the growth of the sector, including government policies, regulatory reforms, and investments in infrastructure and technology. Furthermore, the paper assesses the impact of the growth of the financial services sector on the wider economy, including its contribution to GDP growth, employment, and income generation. The study also identifies some of the challenges facing the financial services sector in Mauritius, such as the need for greater financial inclusion, enhanced risk management, and increased transparency. Overall, the paper argues that the evolution of the financial services sector in Mauritius has had a significant positive impact on economic finance and has played a critical role in the country's economic development.
KEYWORDS:Financial Services Sector, FSC, Economic Finance, regulator, Fintech, Regtech
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