VOlUME 06 ISSUE 05 MAY 2023
1Hasyim Mahmud Wantu,2Novianty Djafri,3Nina Lamatenggo,4Masri Kudrat Umar
1Doctoral Student at State University of Gorontalo and Lecturer at the Faculty of Tarbiyah and Teacher Training, State Islamic University of Sultan Amai Gorontalo, Indonesia
2,3,4Lecturer at State University of Gorontalo, Indonesia
DOI : https://doi.org/10.47191/ijsshr/v6-i5-31Google Scholar Download Pdf
In education, learning models are a topic that should be investigated because it is both relevant and intriguing. This research aims to conduct a literature review on learning models that have been created and implemented in various educational settings. A literature review is a process that is used, comprised of collecting related articles from the available database. According to the findings of this research project, numerous learning models have been established over time. Some examples of these models include social interaction models, information processing models, personal models, behavior modification models, problem-based models, and component display theory models. The findings of this research point to the conclusion that these learning models are adaptable and may be utilized in various educational settings. This adaptability is contingent on the learning goals as well as the characteristics of the learners. The contribution of this research is to offer guidance to educators and researchers about selecting the appropriate learning model which should be implemented in various learning environments.
KEYWORDS:social interaction model, information procession model, personal model, behavioral modification model, problem- based learning, component display theory learning model
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