MAY 2023

VOlUME 06 ISSUE 05 MAY 2023
Construction Research and Development of the Model of Community Tourism in the South Central Coastal Provinces of Vietnam
Ngo Khac Son
Academy of Politics Region III, Da Nang, Vietnam

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Community tourism is a relatively new sample of tourism in researching the development of Viet Nam tourism. However, the same sample has been implemented in many localities in the country and has brought many economic benefits that have positive impact on the Vietnamese poverty reduction policy for many years. Theological and practical investigation in model of community tourism is the meaningful work, especially in the condition of applying this in developing the poor economis zones in the Central Coast. Through practical research the models, which have been implemented effectively throughout the country and in some localities in the region, we consider the level of similarities and the ability of making the project come into the reality as well as point out some challenges when deploying this and some advisable solutions.


tourism, Community tourism, model of community tourism, South Central coast.


1) Nguyen Thanh Binh (2006), For tourism community to become a reality, Journal of Tourism, No. 3, pp. 26-32

2) Pham Hoang Hai - Le Thu Huong - Le Minh Hai (2014), Community-based ecotourism - livelihoods for local people to improve their livelihoods out of poverty equitably and sustainably. National Geography 7th, pp. 45-54

3) Bui Thi Hai Yen (2012), Community Tourism, Educational Publishing House, Hanoi

4) David P. Pinin (1998), Creating a good fit: a community-based tourism planning model, Community Research & Planning in Canada.

5) Etsuko Okazaki (2008), A Community-based Tourism Model: Its Conception and Use, Kobe University, Japan.

VOlUME 06 ISSUE 05 MAY 2023

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