VOlUME 06 ISSUE 05 MAY 2023
1Zaqiatul Istiqomah,2Sukarno
1,2Master of Linguistics Program, Faculty of Humanities, University of Jember (Research Group: Center for Language and Culture)
DOI : https://doi.org/10.47191/ijsshr/v6-i5-07Google Scholar Download Pdf
Online media is one of the most influential sources of information for today's society. This aim of this study is to reveal the image of the first lady of China and of South Korea based on the online news collected from the G20 Summit in Bali. The research data were the corpus from the online media texts collected from fragments of several online news which show the different images of the two first ladies (China and South Korea). The data were analyzed using three dimensions of Fairclough’s model of critical discourse analysis. Based on the study of text analysis, discursive practice, and socio-culture practice, the study shows that there are different images depicted by the online news for those ladies. Peng Liyuan, the first lady of China, is portrayed as a diligent person, enthusiasm for participating in various social activities. This image is closely related to China's image in Indonesia as one of the most developed countries after the United States. In different perspective, many media highlighted the physical beauty possessed by the first lady of South Korea, Kim Keon Hee. This image is directly proportional to the popularity of Korean dramas, which are very popular in Indonesian society today. One of the attractions of these dramas is the beautiful f aces of the actresses.
KEYWORDS:G20, Image of First Lady, Online Media
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