MAY 2023

VOlUME 06 ISSUE 05 MAY 2023
Problems Faced by Working Women in India: An Obstacle for Women Work Participation
1Apurva Bongale,2Talwar Sabanna
1Research Scholar, Department of Studies in Economics, Rani Channamma University, Belagavi.
2Professor (Rted.), Department of Studies in Economics, Rani Channamma University, Belagavi.

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India is termed as a traditional country with wide diversity in religion, ethnicity, culture and customs. The role of women in India is mostly limited to household and domestic works. women in India’s workplace remain significantly under- represented. India has a female work participation rate of 20 percent which is less then have of global average of 47 percent. The major objective of the study is to identify the factors responsible and creating problems for working women in India and how it has an effect on female work participation rate. The present study is conceptual in nature and is based on secondary data collected from various sources. The data collected is analysed with the aid of simple growth rate to understand the comparison in the female work participation rate over time. As per the study results it was understood that the FWPR has increased at a growth rate of 12.50 percent. Although it has been very much tough for the women in India, to survive after facing many hurdles, exploitation and discrimination still they are being persistent in their efforts and constantly trying to make their existence noticeable in the male dominated Indian society.


Working Women, Participation, Exploitation and Discrimination


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VOlUME 06 ISSUE 05 MAY 2023

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