VOlUME 06 ISSUE 06 JUNE 2023
Gede Yoga Kharisma Pradana
Hotel Management, the Institute of Tourism and International Business (IPBI), Indonesia
DOI : https://doi.org/10.47191/ijsshr/v6-i6-41Google Scholar Download Pdf
The orientation of this article is to seek the meaning of Pancasila in the tradition of subak management in Bali. Subak is a form of cultural heritage of agricultural management in Balinese society that has been recognized as a world cultural heritage. However, no researcher has revealed anything about subak as a cultural heritage of the Indonesian nation. In this problem, doubts arise about the existence of Pancasila values in the Subak management tradition. The problems center on: 1) What is the meaning of pancasila in the tradition of subak management?. This problem has been tried to be solved by using qualitative methods. Primary data was obtained through observations of Subak in Bali. Secondary data was successfully collected through a literature study. All data were analyzed qualitatively and interpretatively with a semiotic approach. The results of the study show: there is a positive correlation between Pancasila values and Balinese cultural values, which are part of the management of the subak tradition in relation to food security efforts. The values of Pancasila are reflected in the practice of religious values, ecological balance values, structural unity values, economic values, legal values, security values, and technological values in managing the Subak tradition for inheritance to the next generation of Balinese people as one of the children of the Indonesian nation. The results of appreciating these values have been beneficial for the Balinese in handling conflicts and technical errors related to traditional agricultural practices with the subak system for food security. If the handling of agricultural practice problems in the subak system proves to be unfair but still has a positive meaning, it can be understood that the results of the appreciation of religious values, ecological balance values, structural unity values, technological values, economic values, and security values by Balinese people are very good and culturally influential.
KEYWORDS:Meaning, Pancasila Values, Subak, Food Security, Balinese.
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