VOlUME 06 ISSUE 06 JUNE 2023
1Ayu Nur Sasangka,2Muhamad Syauqillah
1,2Terrorism Studies, School of Strategic and Global Studies, Universitas Indonesia, Jakarta, Indonesia
DOI : https://doi.org/10.47191/ijsshr/v6-i6-53Google Scholar Download Pdf
Indonesia, with abundant diversity, encompasses a diverse array of ethnicities, cultures, languages, and religions, presenting both advantages and vulnerabilities. Exploiting these diversity and religious factors, extremist groups disrupt national harmony due to a lack of proper understanding of religious doctrine. The escalating intolerance and fanaticism, particularly in Java, Indonesia, pose a clear and imminent threat, resulting in violations of freedom of religion and endangering the preservation of cultural diversity. To delve into these issues and underscore the significance of countering religious extremism, this study employs a qualitative research methodology. The study's findings encompass four key discussions: the disruption of culture caused by religious extremism, the utilization of the Javanese cultural value "tepa selira" to promote religious tolerance, the understanding of religious values and tolerance as fundamental elements for fostering peace amidst diversity, and the instilling Pancasila values to prevent religious extremism. In conclusion, effective measures to counter religious extremist ideologies involve promoting tolerance in education, reinforcing Pancasila's values, empowering societal figures, and fostering collaboration between the government, law enforcement agencies, and individuals. These efforts should focus on instilling peaceful religious guidance and embracing the principles of Pancasila throughout the Indonesian people, thereby effectively preventing the proliferation of religious extremism.
KEYWORDS:Cultural disruption, Pancasila ideology, threat prevention strategy, tolerance, religious extremism, tepa selira
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