VOlUME 06 ISSUE 06 JUNE 2023
1Ari Kurnia,2Thalia Kaisah M. M
1,2Bakrie University & HR Rasuna Said St. Kav. 22-c, Kuningan, South Jakarta
DOI : https://doi.org/10.47191/ijsshr/v6-i6-79Google Scholar Download Pdf
Online media provides a place to advertise on several parts of the online media page. Paid online media or subscriptions business model aims to present content free of ads and clickbait so that readers can enjoy content in the best way possible without being disturbed by advertisements and content of higher quality, from content to packaging or the appearance of the content itself. Another challenge facing the media industry is the presence of digital platforms. As well as changing how media do business, digital platforms are also a means of spreading news. The media industry must adapt to technological developments and determine the direction of free to digital only subscriptions. The quality of journalism is the foremost and most important thing for the mass media. The acceleration of news on social media has also resulted in online media forgetting news content and only focusing on what their readers want to get as many clicks as possible without considering the quality of the news. In Indonesia, one of online media Kumparanplus, especially the Special Report, the news is packaged in-depth. The appropriate investigation aims to determine how the mass media carry out investigative practices. Packaging becomes more exclusive by looking at selection strategies, colorful designs, descriptive, prominence, and linking facts into the news to make it more meaningful, engaging and memorable to lead audiences according to their perspective.
KEYWORDS:Online Media, Special Report, Subscriptions Model, Investigations, Indonesia
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