VOlUME 06 ISSUE 07 JULY 2023
Said Syaidina Ali
Faculty of Law Universitas Pembangunan Nasional Veteran Jakarta
DOI : https://doi.org/10.47191/ijsshr/v6-i7-48Google Scholar Download Pdf
The outbreak of the Covid 19 throughout the world, it resulted in paralyzed economies in the world, one of which is Indonesia. There have been mass layoffs and many company closures due to a drastic decline in company turnover. In the end, the company is forced to terminate the employment relationship with the worker, as a consequence, the company is required to pay layoff compensation in accordance with the provisions of the law. Payment of layoff compensation in large numbers is difficult to fulfill directly by employers considering the company's financial condition went bankrupt due to continuous losses, this study uses a descriptive qualitative method by describing the condition of the company through interviews with former workers, by explaining and answering using theories to make a conclusion. The way that can be done for workers to get their rights is to use the bankruptcy mechanism by means of which former employees submit bankruptcy applications to the commercial court with the aim that the directors are responsible for the rights of the former workers.
KEYWORDS:Bankruptcy, Termination of Employment, Compensation, Commercial Court
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