VOlUME 06 ISSUE 07 JULY 2023
1Irwani,2Jabal Tarik Ibrahim,3Wahyudi,4Asep Nurjaman
1,2,3,4RTA Milono, Langkai, Kec. Pahandut, Kota Palangka Raya Kalimantan Tengah 73111 Universitas muhammadiyah Palangkaraya
DOI : https://doi.org/10.47191/ijsshr/v6-i7-55Google Scholar Download Pdf
A synergy of social capital of residents and transmigrates in corn farming in Garantung village. Social capital is an important factor in agricultural economic development. In this context, an analysis was carried out to find out the forms and contributions between the social capital of the local population and transmigration in the context of corn farming. The research paradigm used is the social definition paradigm with a qualitative research approach and a case study type of research. Subjects and informants in this study used purposive techniques, data obtained through interviews, observation, and documentation. Criteria for checking the validity of the data are carried out through the Credibility, Transferability, Dependability, and Conformability tests. Social capital in this study uses the theory of the concept of social capital developed by Robert Putnam, which consists of three elements: social networks, norms, and trust (Putnam, 1995). This social capital helps build relationships of mutual trust, collaboration, and togetherness in achieving common goals. The transmigration program significantly contributed to productivity and sustainability through corn farming in Garantung village by bringing social capital such as knowledge, skills, and economic resources. The synergy of social capital of residents and transmigration brings various benefits, including increased productivity of diversified agricultural businesses, exchange of knowledge and experience, and sustainability of agricultural businesses in Garantung village. Factors that influence synergy include cultural aspects, trust, common goals, effective communication, and good support and coordination from the government. The contribution of the synergy of the social capital of residents and transmigration in hybrid corn farming can lead to increased welfare, business opportunities, and increased productivity efficiently and effectively. The problems faced by farmers in general, such as patron-client networks, middlemen can be overcome through cooperation which in Indonesia is known as gotong royong; strengthening networks that can be formed in economic development, especially in Corn farming, is, of course, based on the strength of individual belief in the group.
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