VOlUME 06 ISSUE 07 JULY 2023
1Jamiludin,2Sulisvia,3La Ode Monto Bauto
1,2,3Universitas Halu Oleo, Kendari, Indonesia
DOI : https://doi.org/10.47191/ijsshr/v6-i7-67Google Scholar Download Pdf
The purposes of this research were (1) to analyze the process of making Kulisusu ethnic woven fabrics (2) to analyze the meaning of the motifs contained in the traditional Kulisusu ethnic woven crafts (3) to analyze the educational values contained in the traditional Kulisusu ethnic woven crafts. This research is a qualitative research and uses a descriptive approach. Data collection is carried out using observation, interviews, and documentation. The results showed that the process of making Kulisusu ethnic woven fabric crafts consisted of 9 stages, namely 1) materials; 2) tools 3) traditional rituals 4) drawing motifs: 5) spinning threads; 6) sorting yarn (pouluri); 7) Arranging yarn (Lopo); 8) tying the motifs on the warp; and 9) weaving (Mohoru). The meaning of the motif contained in the woven fabric of the Kulisusu ethnicity is the vertical motif which means the relationship between humans and the God; horizontal motifs that are meaningful about human relationships with other humans; and natural motifs that are meaningful about the relationship between humans and nature. The educational values contained in the traditional weaving crafts of the Kulisusu ethnicity are religious values, honest values, love for the motherland, social care values and responsibility values.
KEYWORDS:weaving, educational values, meaning, ethnic traditional, fabric craft, motifs
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