VOlUME 06 ISSUE 07 JULY 2023
1Irpan Ilmi,2Juliani Jamilah,3Qiqi Yuliati Zakiah
1Stitnu al farabi pangandaran
2,3UIN Sunan Gunung Djati Bandung
DOI : https://doi.org/10.47191/ijsshr/v6-i7-07Google Scholar Download Pdf
The purpose of this study is to evaluate and describe how education management innovations were implemented at SMK Bakti Karya Parigi. Innovation in educational management is essential for enhancing the caliber and efficiency of educational institutions in the setting of rapid educational development and dynamic change. Data for this study was gathered through interviews, observations, and document analysis using a qualitative methodology. The findings demonstrated that SMK Bakti Karya Parigi has embraced a number of innovations in educational administration. The agency has been able to set clear goals and create effective action plans with the aid of targeted and strategic planning. A well-coordinated organizational structure and a distinct division of roles and responsibilities among the educational staff have also been produced through effective organization. The success of the education management innovation at SMK Bakti Karya Parigi is also significantly influenced by effective driving. A positive learning culture has been created throughout the institution thanks to the leadership's participation- and cooperation-focused approach. Additionally, effective control through ongoing monitoring and evaluation of educational goals' achievement has allowed the institution to recognize the success of innovations and implement corrective actions as needed. The success of education management also depends on effective driving.At the end of the day, SMK Bakti Karya Parigi's education management innovation has improved the way that education is delivered at the school. The institution continues to establish best practices in educational management through the active participation of stakeholders like teachers, staff, students, and parents as well as through continual professional development.ingenuity at SMK Bakti Karya Parigi.
KEYWORDS:innovation, Management, education, SMK Bakti Karya Parigi
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