JULY 2023

VOlUME 06 ISSUE 07 JULY 2023
Below Standard Notary Honorarium in the Perspective of Competition between Notaries
1Khairiani Rahmah, 2 Saprudin, 3Ahmad Syaufi
1Master of Notary, University of Lambung Mangkurat
2,3Faculty of Law, University of Lambung Mangkurat
DOI : https://doi.org/10.47191/ijsshr/v6-i7-92

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The position of a Notary as one of the public officials representing the government to provide public services to the community is not given wages or salaries directly by the state but receives wages for the services it provides. However, legal problems often occur, especially in the context of violating the determination of below standard honorariums, causing unhealthy competition in the position of the Notary. So, the purpose of this research is to analyze whether notaries who charge substandard honorarium rates can lead to competition between notaries based on the Law on Notary Office and the Notary's Code of Ethics; and how is the authority of the Notary Supervisory Board regarding violations of the Notary's honorarium amount. The method used in this study uses normative research methods. So, the results of this study are first, the setting of substandard rates by a notary causes competition between fellow notaries and this violates the code of ethics for the position of a notary. The minimum standard of honorarium for a notary is agreed upon by the association at the regional or regional level of each region. Second, the authority of the Notary Supervisory Board is limited to supervising and coaching to prevent violations of the Notary's office. So, it would be better if the determination regarding the Notary's honorarium is regulated in the Notary's Organizational Regulations and the Notary's Supervisory Council should be given the authority to examine allegations of violations of the notary's code of ethics.


Honorarium, Notary, Competition between Notaries.


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VOlUME 06 ISSUE 07 JULY 2023

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