1Dr. Mizanur Rahman, 2Dr. Jebunnessa
1Executive Director, Governance Policy Explore Center, Bangladesh
2Professor, Department of Public Administration, Jahangirnagar University, Bangladesh
DOI : https://doi.org/10.47191/ijsshr/v6-i8-38Google Scholar Download Pdf
COVID-19, officially recognized as an epidemic by the WHO on March 11, 2020, has spread rapidly across Europe, the US, South America, India, Pakistan, Thailand, and Myanmar. Bangladesh has implemented preventive measures, such as the Disaster Management Act of 2012 and the Infectious Disease Prevention, Control, and Elimination Act of 2018, to prevent the virus and control mobilizations and gatherings. This constrained social and economic activities as well. The COVID-19 epidemic has necessitated the reliance on connectivity as an essential means for the sustained operation of commercial and social activities. The government has recognized the significance of mobile technology in supporting social and economic activities. Mobile connectivity in Bangladesh is crucial for economic and social activities during the pandemic, enabling businesses and educational institutions to sustain operations, facilitate social interaction, support work-related tasks, and provide access to services that improve quality of life. The government has categorized mobile technology and operators as a crucial public service. Mobile phones and mobile internet utilization is expected to continue enabling connectivity, providing access to novel opportunities, and contributing to economic growth and progress towards the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals and Digital Bangladesh. The capacity of individuals to access and effectively utilize mobile phone and internet services is essential for fully utilizing the social and economic benefits of mobile connectivity.
KEYWORDS:Telecommunications, Mobile Phone, Disaster Management, COVID-19, Emergency Response
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