Board Attributes and Audit Report Lags in Nigerian Listed Deposit Money Bank
Olawole, A. (M.Sc, B.Sc, ACA)
Department of Accountancy Faculty of Business Studies Rufus Giwa Polytechnic Owo, Ondo State. Nigeria

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This study examined the impact of board attributes on the audit report lag of 14 listed deposit money banks in Nigeria. The study adopted a correlational research design; in addition, the corporate annual reports and websites for 2015-2019 were utilized as the primary sources of secondary data. In testing the research hypotheses and ascertaining the significant effect of the variables, the study utilized the panel estimation technique using the pooled ordinary least square, the fixed and the random effect methods of data analysis. The findings revealed that board sizes have no significant impact on the audit report lag. Similarly, board independence has insignificant but positive effect on the audit report lag. The study concluded that solid corporate structure attributes would positively influence corporate governance and the audit report lag. The study recommended that government should make stringent policies and regulations on the audit report lag.


Audit report lag, corporate governance, board size, board independence.


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